
The Ultimate Guide To Amazon SEO

Every retailer today understands the importance of working with Amazon, due to its magnitude in the online sphere. If retailers want to boost their online presence and sell products online, they cannot ignore Amazon if they want to have an engaging, optimized and successful strategy. Since its inception in 2000, it has helped many small and large businesses become common household names. 

With around 2.5 million sellers on the platform as of now, Amazon is a constantly growing marketplace in the world- undoubtedly one of the largest. There is a lot of scope for making enormous money on Amazon. However, the competition is also cut-throat. 

Therefore, retailers need to utilize the best SEO practices to ensure their products rank on Amazon search results. For this, you can take help from a well-established SEO agency in New York. This article is the ultimate guide to Amazon SEO to boost sales and revenue for your business through Amazon. 

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO works by focusing on the keywords used by people to search for certain products. Based on the keywords, Amazon displays the most relevant search results. The users on Amazon possess transactional search intent, and there is a higher chance of converting visitors on Amazon into customers. Therefore, you must create content on your page that meets the intent of the people who want to make a purchase. 

The content on your Amazon product listing includes a title, a description, and other information about the product. To create content that brings organic traffic to your product page, you must add all the relevant keywords. When your page ranks, it automatically generates more leads and sales. Therefore, keywords are an essential part of Amazon SEO. 

Amazon works with the A10 algorithm, an upgraded version of the A9 algorithm that was used before. It ranks the product listing based on relevance (how relevant are the keywords in your listing to the search keywords) and performance (the previous sales of your product listings). Based on these metrics, Amazon determines if a visitor is likely to make a purchase or not. 

Factors Affecting the Relevance and Performance of Your Listing

The keywords help Amazon’s algorithm identify whether your product page is relevant to the searches or not. Therefore, the following content on your product page should have the relevant keywords- 

  • Product Title
  • Name of the Seller
  • Product Description
  • Product Features
  • Brand Name
  • Backend Keywords.

Apart from this, there are a few factors that help Amazon measure the performance of your previous listings, which include- 

  • Click-through Rate
  • Conversion Rate
  • Price
  • Images
  • Reviews.

Importance of Optimizing Amazon SEO Strategy

Around half of the total eCommerce on the internet is conducted through Amazon. Every minute in the US, Amazon sells around 7,400 products! Whenever a person searches for a product, the results of Amazon are listed at the top as it is the highest-ranking eCommerce store. Thus, if you list your product on Amazon, you have a higher chance of being noticed and getting potential customers. 

However, to turn visitors into sales, you need a robust Amazon SEO strategy, which an SEO agency in New York can help you create. It needs to focus on the visitors with transactional intent to boost sales. You can only make the visitors land on your page and add your item to the cart. 

Best SEO Practices for Amazon SEO

Let us now have a glimpse at the best practice that can improve your page’s search engine optimization and your sales.

1. Keywords Research

You should conduct keyword research specifically for Amazon. For this, you must list down the most prevalent long-tail and short-tail keywords. You should also understand the difference between transactional and other keyword types, such as informational or navigational, as the customers who land on the page come with transactional intent. These keywords are often accompanied by the words “buy”, “purchase”, “coupon”, “discount,” etc. 

Also, you should look for more specific and generic keywords. There are multiple free and paid tools available on the internet which you can use to identify the best-performing keywords to add to your product page. 

2. Optimize your Content

It is important to use your keywords wisely and adequately to make the most out of them. Firstly, you should inculcate the highest ranking and relevant keywords into the title, and whose recommended length is 80 characters. You can follow the structure- Brand + Product + Feature + Model or Size + Color. 

The next thing you must focus on is the product description. It should be precise and easy to read with all the necessary keywords. However, keyword stuffing should be avoided. You can use bullet points or tables to convey your message. 

3. Use High-Quality Images

An image is what attracts most customers. Ensure that your image is HD so people can see your product precisely. You can also add enchanting product videos to make the customers love your product. You can highlight your product’s uses and impact on the customers’ lives. 

4. Use Backend Keywords

You can add your keywords to the listings on Amazon. They help you in ranking your product page. Add keywords at the backend that do not make sense on the product page, for which Amazon gives you five lines with 50 characters each. 

5. Maintaining a Competitive Price

Price is one of the decisive factors for a customer. The visitors go through numerous products and compare the prices before deciding. Therefore, you must keep a competitive price for your products to ensure the customer’s checkout with your product. However, if your product is costly compared to the competitors, you must convey the reason, which might include additional features or services. 

6. Optimize your Page for Mobile

Most of the searches conducted today on Amazon are done through the Amazon website or the app. Therefore, your listing should be easy to read and access on mobile. You can use short sentences, abbreviations, and optimized images that load faster and look HD. You can also take a free trial SEO services with an established web development agency to ensure the mobile responsiveness of your page. 

7. Encourage Reviews

Reviews play a major role in helping the customer decide upon your product. Amazon has an extensive system of customer reviews, which you can use for your benefit- to attract customers and gain their trust. Positive reviews enhance your credibility when you encourage your buyers to leave a review. Also, good reviews make your product rank higher than bad reviews. 

To ensure your customers leave a review, you can conduct post-sales marketing or reach out to them via message or email with a link to the page where they can add a review. Also, the reviews given by verified purchasers are considered more significant by Amazon to help rank your page. 

Build an Airtight Amazon SEO Strategy with Agency Couch

With SEO campaigns that have to give tremendous results to clients over time, Agency Couch is a leading web development agency. We are well-versed with the eCommerce giants like Amazon and thus have in-store the basic practices that can help your business make the most out of such platforms. We can be your partner in growth- whether you want your eCommerce store or a website or you wish to work with pre-established stores like Amazon. 

Agency Couch is your go-to SEO agency in New York which has provided results to several businesses since its inception. Get the free trial SEO services and witness the gains by yourself! 

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