
Why is Mobile SEO Strategy Important for Your Business?

Businesses often wonder if they need a separate SEO Strategy to boost their website’s visibility on mobile devices. If you are still considering whether to invest in your business’s mobile SEO or not, this blog is for you!  Here, our experts tell you why having a mobile SEO strategy is a must if you take SEO seriously.

Leading SEO Agency in New York prioritize optimizing websites for mobile viewing for a number of reasons.


#1 Mobile Devices Are Driving the Lion’s Share of Internet Traffic

The vast majority of online traffic today comes from mobile sources. As of 2020, approximately 50.88% of all internet traffic across the world is derived from mobile devices/smartphones. By not taking a mobile-first approach to your SEO, you stand to lose out on about half of your internet footfall! 


#2 Google Favours Mobile-Indexed Websites & AMPs

Earlier, Google’s ranking index primarily focused on the desktop version of a page’s content. It used the same to assess the match between a search query and page content. But that’s history now.

Leading SEO agencies in New York now know that Google’s mobile-first indexing uses the mobile version of a website for ranking. Further, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs), a newly launched open source framework, is geared towards Mobile SEO. It boosts the ranking of websites that perform the best in small screens. 


#3 Mobile SEO Can Boost Your Ranking for Local Search

Adding local search features in your mobile SEO strategy can give you great results. SEO Agency in New York will tell you that Local+Mobile=Jackpot. If your business has a local element, you cannot afford to skip mobile SEO. More than 50% of mobile searches have local intent. Research by Google indicates that “50% of mobile users are most likely to visit after conducting a local search.”


#4 Mobile Optimized Websites Have a Better Conversion Rate

Let’s face it – the end goal of your SEO is not just traffic. You eventually want them to become your paying customers, right? Here, too, we have some good news for you.

A study suggests that 2/3rd of users are more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly company. This is where mobile SEO becomes much more than just keywords and ranking. Getting your audience to stick around and converting them is key. Factors like responsive website design, lucid site structure, fast page loading, easy mobile-viewing, etc. are critical. Adding them to your mobile SEO strategy can mean the difference between winning and losing customers.

Mobile SEO is a tricky business. It requires to be backed by a team of experts who know what they are doing. Looking for the right SEO agency to partner with? Visit https://agencycouch.com or write to us at getintouch@agencycouch.com

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