Your landing page is a crucial part of your conversion strategy. Hence, you should be choosing the right sets of elements to optimize your landing page better. However, the landing page form is one part that is often misunderstood and unexpectedly less-leveraged.
When your user has advanced to your landing page, they are already in the process of making up their mind. At this point, you can easily convert them into a lead through an apt landing page form. But, since there are a variety of forms used across the digital world, it gets a little overwhelming to choose the right one.
How To Choose A Form Type For Your Landing Page?
Well, it always depends on your goal. A landing page, in itself, is a package. It is always meant to tell the visitor more about your service/product, and its features, and probably aid them with the visuals to educate more. There should be an attention-grabbing headline, followed by the body. The body can be written content, videos, images, or a combination of all these, considering how you want to put across the information.
After the context your content and visuals offer to the visitors, the form comes next in your conversion strategy. Landing page forms are a simple way to ask your visitors to leave some information about themselves in a subtle way. Hence, choose wisely and customize your form according to the best practices advocated by marketers.
The idea is that your landing page should be oriented towards one goal, and so should the form. You must determine your goal, understand your audience, and then embed the right kind of form.
Some best practices would be:
- The lesser the questions, the better.
- Don’t ask questions that will force the prospect to drop out.
- Offer a smooth experience by including “select buttons” wherever possible and responsive questions.
- If your form contains a series of questions, use multi-step forms.
- Enable auto navigation to spare users from putting in too much effort.
4 Types of Forms That Will Improve Your Landing Page
While there are various types of landing page forms, only a few are known to perform exceptionally. So, we are going to discuss the 4 types of landing page forms to accelerate your marketing scheme.
1. Contact Form
The contact form is the most common and classic one. This type of form is used on landing pages where you need more qualified leads. When a visitor chooses to fill out the contact form, it shows that they are interested in doing business with you. This type of form also minimizes efforts on the visitor’s end as they simply need to fill in some information, and someone on your end will connect with them.
A good contact form can comprise three fields:
- Name
- Email Address
- Tell us more about what concerns you want us to address?

The third section would be a field to allow the user to explain their concern briefly.
This type of landing page form helps you review all the incoming requests and qualify leads accordingly.
The Placement: Some would suggest that it is best to place the form right in front, above the fold of your landing page. But apparently, forms placed below the fold perform better. Why?
Well, first, it saves you a lot of space to incorporate important information about who you are and what you do above the fold. And second, the “contact us” forms in the footer are easy to locate and receive more entries than at the beginning.
It happens because, mostly when a user has processed all the content on your landing page, they are more likely to be interested in your offerings and would end up filling up the form to enquire more.
2. Lead Generation aka Opt-in Form
Opt-in forms are just as beneficial as contact forms, or even better if used right. The opt-in page, also known as subscribe page or squeeze page, is a lead magnet. They offer something in exchange for visitors’ information. You can offer a newsletter, an e-book, trial subscription, free demo, or anything relevant to your business and valuable to them.
Lead Generation forms require the visitors to provide their personal information, such as their name, contact info, and other identifiers. After this opt-in business, the visitors have some content that’s valuable for them, and you have a potential lead. This is a great way to add new leads to your sales funnel.
Besides, if your free content is good, it will be a cherry on the top. Because then the chances of them converting are even higher. Some of the things you can offer in exchange for visitor’s contact information are:
- Newsletter subscription
- Free e-book
- Whitepaper
- Research paper
- An entry to a discount contest
- Free product guide
- Free demo
- Health assessment result
- Free minutes of expert consultation

3. Customer Feedback Form
Businesses often try different methods to capture customer feedback. Some share a feedback form via email, use pop-ups to ask questions, or even place their surveys on YouTube. While there are many ways, nothing beats using a landing page to receive customer feedback.
You can incorporate two types of feedback forms:
- Customer satisfaction form for your existing customers.
- User experience survey for the visitors (whether or not they are the existing customers).
User experience surveys help you understand how good your website or app is. You can include questions about how easy the navigation was, if they like the features, and what improvements they suggest.
You have to be more specific while designing the landing page for customer feedback. Include relevant headlines and body content. Use testimonials by other users and add ratings and reviews to encourage participation.

4. Online Quotation Request Form
Some services and products are bespoke and hence, cannot be priced right off the bat. Quotation request forms are the best solution for such landing pages.
You have to ensure using visuals and appealing content to educate the visitors about your product or service. The users need to see why they should be interested in it and take the next step by filling out your form.
A typical request form would include questions like:
- Name/ Business Name
- Industry
- Contact Info
- Website
- Budget
- Requirement in brief
This form works because it offers ease to your visitors, or we better call them ‘potential leads’. They don’t have to worry about freeing up time and contacting you. They can simply fill out the form and be assured that you will get back to them with your quotation.
On the other hand, your team also gets time to analyze the requirements and filter out the leads. You can then reach out to them with a quotation and save both of you from back and forth calls.

The Final Note
Landing page forms are a subtle way to collect user information ethically. They are a great tool to connect with your visitors and create a sales funnel of qualified leads. However, it is always a combination of everything from landing page design to the content that compels the users to move ahead and fill the form.
Therefore, as much as you focus on integrating the right kind of form with the right set of questions, you must put equal effort to optimize your landing page for better conversions.
If you wish to learn more or have a high-conversion landing page for your business goals, get in touch with Agency Couch.